Pause Before You Post: 3 Tips for Youth Pastors on Social Media

Using social media can grow your ministry. But it can also cost you your job. In the last few years, several high-profile people have been fired because of things they’ve posted on social media.

As a youth pastor, you’re a professional. When you post something on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, or TikTok, it’s perceived as a reflection of your church (whether you intended it to or not).

That’s why you need to be more careful about what you post (and repost) on social media. Or, as I say in this video: Pause before you post.

Specifically, pause and do three things:
1. THINK (Is this true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind?)
2. Review spelling and grammar
3. Consider the different people who will see the post

Watch the video above to learn more about each of these steps.

Suggested Resource:

Social Media Skills for Youth Pastors

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Trevor Hamaker (DMin, McAfee School of Theology) is an author, adjunct professor, and youth ministry coach. He helps youth pastors see their potential, develop their skills, and reach their goals.

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