BYM Sermons

What you get with BYM sermons…
Practical messages
based on biblical truths
to help your students
bring their faith to life.


Click the image to learn more about each message or series…


Graduation Sermon - Be Strong and Courageous - Trevor Hamaker
stand-alone message for graduation


Don't Be Fooled: Book of Proverbs (A Sermon Series for Walking Wisely)
2-part series on the book of Proverbs


Sermon - On the Road
stand-alone message


Serving > Selfies (a stand-alone message about how serving breaks the power of selfishness in our lives)
stand-alone message


Splash (a stand-alone message about baptism)
stand-alone message


Stand Firm (a 2-part series about the armor of God)
2-part series


Tempted - A Sermon Series by Trevor Hamaker
2-part series


Title Slide
stand-alone message