BYM Scorecard

Youth ministry has many demands, and youth pastors have many roles. It can all become overwhelming very quickly. That’s why I created this resource, the Better Youth Ministry Scorecard.

This scorecard cuts through the clutter to help you evaluate how you’re really doing in your ministry. It defines the most significant areas of your ministry, and the top priorities that will produce the greatest return on investment for your time. And with only 24 hours in a day, that’s important.

Granted, these aren’t the only areas of your ministry that should get your attention, but, in my experience, focusing on these areas will help you create momentum, reach students, and grow faith in your ministry.

I call these areas the 5 P’s: Place, Programs, Preaching, People, and Promotion. Plus, for this scorecard, I’ve added a sixth area of focus: Personal.

How it works:

• Use this scorecard to assess your ministry every quarter.
• Each area has 10 priorities listed for you to assess.
• Consider each statement and give your ministry a score.
• Add up your total scores and write down your next action steps.
• Repeat this process every quarter, trying to raise your score each time.

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Download the BYM Scorecard and start seeing progress in your ministry today!

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Trevor Hamaker (DMin, McAfee School of Theology) is an author, adjunct professor, and youth ministry coach. He helps youth pastors see their potential, develop their skills, and reach their goals.